​You can have the body you want.....FACT!

Our quality Personal Trainers will get you great results. They will work you hard, to your maximum, whilst always ensuring the programme is within your capability.

We have an absolute passion for what we do and will offer you support and motivation enabling you to reach your goals.

We will get you in the best shape of your life in the shortest possible time. We will discover what makes you 'tick' and make the training fun and varied, so you look forward to each session.


​​​​​​​Whether you want to lose a few pounds and tone up, or train for your first Marathon, to keeping fit during pregnancy or regaining your shape afterwards, our expert Trainers have helped clients achieve it all, and are ready to help you.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Mike Ovens is a Level 4 Advanced Instructor/Personal Trainer (Register of Exercise Professionals) and Running Coach.
Mike Ovens, was in the Royal Navy for 25 years where he rose through the ranks to commissioned officer. His final post was as a Fleet Controller at the Permanent Joint Headquarters, Northwood. Prior to that he'd worked as senior warfare officer and was active in both the Falklands and Gulf War. As a former Royal Navy/Combined Services 800m/400m competitor he ran to elite level for 14 years and was ranked UK top 10 at his peak. He's used his experience to coach athletes from novice to advanced levels. Mike has inspired countless clients to exceed their expectations with their fitness and goals. Contact us to discuss how we can help you improve your fitness.

About Mike

Training for an event
Whether you are training for a marathon or entering your first 5k, our trainers will set you a specific programme to work to for the whole period leading up to the event. They will ensure that you don't over stress your body without the necessary preparation and build your core and muscle strength to underpin your training and minimize the risk of injury.

Weight Loss
By building your lean muscle it will help fire your metabolism and get you burning your fuel (fat) effectively. There are amazing success stories where people have gone from a dress size 18 to size 6. Some haven't been able to run for 30 seconds and are now running marathons. We will show you how to make this progress and find joy in exercise!

Strength Building
Muscle Toning / Body shaping - Focussing on the right intensity of resistance work as its core. Our training is always as intense as possible, working multiple muscle groups within many of the exercises given. Whether you want to create a lean sculpted physique or build muscle we will adjust your programme accordingly.

Pre & Post Natal
A healthy pregnant woman certainly does not need to be lying down with her feet up anymore. Moderate exercise is very good for Mum and Baby. In fact, the benefits far outweigh the risks. It helps to be in great shape before you get pregnant! However, it is important that you follow safe and healthy guidelines when it comes to exercise and pregnancy. That is where a Personal Trainer specialising in Pre & Post Natal Fitness comes into play. We can help you improve your core strength, tone your muscles and prepare for labour. It is possible to maintain a good level of fitness throughout the different stages of pregnancy.